Thursday, February 22, 2007

THE SEA AND CAKE "Everybody"

Whoa. The Sea And Cake have made a classic rock album. Parts yacht rock, parts dueling guitars, parts bouncy 60s pop, Everybody is certainly for everybody. I'm smitten after two listens. What grabs you is the actual sound of this record, a little different from their previous offerings. My favorite song so far is "Middlenight", almost like a slowed down "Too Young" (see Phoenix). In fact, there's quite a few Steely Dan-isms in there which shouldn't surprise fans of TS&C, but what should....the verse chorus verses.... it's a complete pop record. Run, don't crawl, to your local record store on May 8 and buy a copy for a friend or someone who needs a shot of sunny spring melodies.


youthlarge said...
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youthlarge said...

sorry i had to delete cause i can't type. is this really worth picking up? the s/t record was a favorite in my early 20s and now i just think they are snooooooozey.

Jack said...

YL, it's very much worth picking up. I adore the entire record. I just hope I don't wear it out. Just in case, I plan on buying it on vinyl, so I can have some Sunday afternoon spin sessions...