Friday, January 26, 2007

THE ASSOCIATES "The Affectionate Punch"
hollAnd "The Paris Hilton Mujahideen"

I picked both of these songs before I knew what kind of angle I was going to use or what I was going to say at all. Sometimes I have a good idea of why I'm posting music, but also sometimes, like when I DJ or make mixes for people, I have no idea why I'm merging songs/artists/moods, it happens without effort. I don't know if that makes me lucky or dumb or a bit of both. Probably just dumb.

The Associates are an acquired taste. Their dramatic presentation coupled with their sparse arrangements are unique. Yes, they were likely the new wave children circa 1981 who were weaned on a diet of glammy 70s rockers like Bowie and Bolan, and they likely inspired bands like Pulp and The Auteurs, but the Associates don't get enough credit for sticking out like a sore thumb in a crowded new wave scene. I have to admit, I have a hard time listening to complete Associates records, but this newly remastered version of The Affectionate Punch is worth a listen. "Janice" pretty much gets me good.

hollAnd could've existed as part of the early Factory, early Rough Trade scene, too, but as it is, here they are in 2007 with their first new record in 10 years for the 90s and 00s equivalent of the aforementioned labels, Teenbeat. Trevor Kampmann has his hand in a lot of pies, but it's this "rock" return to form that people should be thrilled about. Most of the songs come in at 2 minutes or under, but they are filled with hooks, sparse compressed production, and you don't have time to get sick of them. The sound is very unique, very hollAnd. Yes, sometimes the vocals are hauntingly familiar, very Imperial f.f.r.r. era Unrest. Funny coincidence? You make the call.

So I've said the word "unique" a few times here and that's no backhanded compliment. I've always felt that a band should gain some merit if you can recognize them amongst the sea of contenders. In pop music, it's just too easy to sound like someone else, especially as time goes on. So cheers to the Associates and hollAnd...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I had been meaning to pick up something from The Associates, so it was cool to find them here. At first listen I didn't like "Janice", but then it kept popping up on Recently Added shuffle. By the fourth play it hit me and I started to get it. Isn't that the best?
