Wednesday, January 10, 2007

LONEY, DEAR "Loney Noir"

I was trying to think of some grand articulate way of stating the following: I hate twee, I love boys who sing like girls. Does that make sense? I love orchestration. I love when you feel someone has put very much of themselves into a piece of music. I think that Swedes and the Japanese can get away with using cliches in music because sometimes they are so damned cute and convincing. But I hate twee.

From the nanosecond I heard the opening notes of "Sinister In A State Of Hope" from Loney, Dear's upcoming "Loney Noir" offering, I was hooked. I knew it was going to be for me, especially if I could overcome the fact that this band was very close to another "Sinister" band the twee crowd seem to have made the new Smiths. I liked that last B&S record though, I really did. They just lost me around the "Seymour Stein" bullshit.

OK, back to the Loneys. I've been playing Loney Noir now for the better part of '06, I'd really been meaning to share it with Little Elpeesers and it's finally seeing a release on the, ahem, emo friendly Sub Pop label. They are also coming stateside for some shows. I suggest you go. That is, if you dig the following samples. I dig and had to dig deep to get their whole catalogue. I prefer Citadel Band to Sologne or The Year Of River Fontana, their previous three albums, but it was fun to discover. Always is.

SATURDAY WAITS (from Loney Noir)

I DO WHAT I CAN (from Citadel Band)


Anonymous said...

i just discovered loney, dear myself and have fallen deeply in love. i like how you put it, you hate twee but love boys who sing like girls. very clever. : ) thanks for the older track, too.

Karen Abad said...

Hey I was wondering if you had the entire citadel band album? I've been looking for it all over and I can't find it anywhere! :-) email me if you do , thanks!